Class 4



Class 4 is a mixed-age class made up of children from Year 4 and Year 5. Our class teacher is Miss Nash and our support assisstant is Mrs Ryder.


Reading sessions, Numeracy and Literacy lessons usually take place on a morning, with foundation subjects in the afternoon. We are fortunate to have specialists to teach us PE on Mondays for the first half of the year. In February, year 4 children will begin swimming again whilst year 5 continue with PE. Our topic changes each half term/termly - keep an eye out for our termly newsletters which tell you what we will be learning.


In Class 4 we will be expected to:


  • Listen to others and respect their views.
  • Respect class property and other peoples belongings.
  • Follow instructions the first time.
  • Use our hands and feet kindly.
  • Have a positive attitude, be kind and show good manners.

Homework is set on Wednesday to be completed by the following Wednesday.


Spellings are set on a Monday and tested on Monday. 


Class 4 are expected to read at home at least 4 times a week and recoreded on Learning with Parents. 


We will work really hard to become responsible for our own belongings, homework, spellings and reading as we are moving up through school.





How to help your child with Maths - Year 4 and Year 5
Documents Links
Supporting your child with English - Year 4 and Year 5
Class 4 Information. Please find below details of the curriculum for this class.  Please contact the class teacher should you require further details.