Class 3



Class 3 is a mixed- age class made up of children from Year 3 and Year 4. Our class teacher is Mr Conway and our support assistant is Mrs Ryder. In a morning, we will complete Maths and English Lessons.


In Maths, we follow  the White Rose Maths scheme. We will develop our place value knowledge before moving onto addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Later in the year, we will learn about fractions, measurement, shape and data handling. Throughout these topics we will be practicing our reasoning skills and solving problems. In addition, we will practice learning our timestables and aim to learn all of them fluently by the end of year 4. 


In English, we will study a range of fiction and non-fiction genres and poetry. We will develop our reading fluency and comprehension skills as well as improving our writing skills. In our written work, we will become more confident with different sentence structures, punctuation, learn new vocabulary and meet the spelling and grammar expectations of year 3 and 4.


Foundation subjects are taught in the afternoon and cover all areas of the national curriculum. PE is taught on Wednesdays and children should attend school in their PE kits on this day. This maybe outside, so children should dress appropriately for the weather. 


Please keep an eye out for our termly newsletters which detail what we will be learning each term. Also, make sure to login to learning with parents to record reading that your child completes at home. 


In Class 3 you will be expected to:

  • Always put 100% into all subjects
  • Listen to others and respect other peoples ideas, opinions and interests
  • Put our hand up instead of getting out of our seat or shouting out
  • Complete homework on time (SPAG, Mathletics and Reading every Monday. Spelling tests will take place on Fridays)
  • Respect class property and other peoples belongings
  • Follow instructions the first time
  • Have a positive attitude, be kind and show good manners
  • Be prepared to make mistakes and learn from them
  • Have fun!

We are going to have a fun filled year and will work hard to achieve our best. 






How to help your child with Maths - Year 3 and Year 4
Documents Links
Supporting your child with English - Year 3 and Year 4
Class 3 Information. Please find below details of the curriculum for this class.  Please contact the class teacher should you require further details.  