Class 5



Class 5 is a mixed-age class made up of children from Year 5 and Year 6. Our class teachers are Mrs Norton (on Mondays and Tuesdays) and Mrs Limon (on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays).  Our class is supported by Mrs Firth.


Being the oldest in school, we will be focusing on being good role models and working hard to achieve our best. We should now be demonstrating our growing independence and responsibility, making sure that we listen carefully, follow instructions and remember our belongings such as spellings and homework.


In Class 5, we agree to:

  • Always put 100% into all subjects.
  • Listen to and respect other people’s ideas, opinions and interests, even if they’re different to our own.
  • Concentrate on our work and leave other people to concentrate on theirs.
  • Follow instructions that are given to us straight away.
  • Put our hand up instead of getting out of our seat or shouting out.
  • Try and sort small problems out ourselves.
  • Have fun!


Things to remember in Class 5:

  • Bring a water bottle in daily.
  • Do your homework and bring it to school when it is due (Maths on a Monday, English on a Wednesday)
  • Read regularly at home and record in your reading log, signed by an adult (these will be checked regularly).
  • Practise times tables and spellings (spelling tests are on Fridays).
  • Have PE kits in school throughout the week. Our PE lesson will be on Fridays, however there may be occasions when this may change, and you should have your kit available.


If you have any concerns and you need to speak to us you can do so by calling the school office. We are looking forward to an exciting year!

Mrs Norton and Mrs Limon


How to help your child with Maths - Year 5 and 6
Documents Links
Supporting your child with English - Year 5 and 6
Class 5 Information. Please find below details of the curriculum for this class.  Please contact the class teacher should you require further details.