Hanging Heaton School is committed to recognising the uniqueness of an individual and to acknowledge and develop the positive qualities that all have regardless of race, religion, gender or special educational need or disability to achieve their full potential.  We are a school committed to the inclusion of all in everything we do and strive to ensure equal opportunities for all to achieve their best.  This document is written to reflect the chosen aims and Christian values of our school for this year:


  • Courage
  • Peace
  • Truthfulness
  • Respect and Reverence
  • Responsibility
  • Friendship


 All staff and governors at the school will do their best to meet the needs of all the pupils at the school.  Special Educational Needs are monitored closely by the Governing Body with a Governor, Mrs Exley having direct responsibility for overseeing it.


This will be achieved by:


Admitting all pupils to the school on the basis of the Education Authority’s and the school’s admission procedures and welcoming all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND). Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or physical disability which calls for special individualised educational provision to be made for them.  These can vary in complexity from SEND Support, a need which may result in a focussed period of individualised activity in order to allow the child to make appropriate levels of progress, or a more complex set of needs, where additional support is necessary, which may result in the production of an Education, Health and Care Plan, where all parties involved with the child from Education, Social Care and Health are involved in the process.  These needs can vary in nature. We will endeavour to met the needs of any child whose parents wish them to be at our school.  This can also include children looked after by the local authority.


Enabling all pupils to be offered access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum with the maximum degree of social and educational inclusion.


Identifying as part of the annual Special Educational Needs Action Plan, which is an appendix to the School Development Plan, resources that are required to implement the identified policy and procedures and evaluate its implementation.


Enabling teachers to make appropriate provision for all their pupils through the provision of appropriate support, training, information and advice.


Developing a partnership between parents, pupils and the school, in which each has an active role to play in the education of special needs pupils.


Making best use of outside and community agencies involved in special educational needs through multi-agency partnership and other local initiatives (e.g. parenting support groups) to the benefit of all pupils.


Our school has an excellent reputation for Special Educational Needs with Ofsted (Feb 2016) stating, ‘You have created a culture where only the best is good enough for the pupils at Hanging Heaton school.  You and your senior leadership team are continually evaluating the teaching and learning to ensure that standards are maintained and improved.  You and other adults in the school share a vision for excellence.  Through regular and rigorous monitoring, you quickly identify any areas that need development’.


The questions contained in the document below entitled Special Educational Needs Information Report will help you to find out more about our Special Educational Needs Provision within Hanging Heaton C of E (VC) J & I School.  These have been produced by school in conjunction with parents.  If you have any queries about this information, please contact the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Mrs Brooke-Mawson on 01924 463035 and refer to the Special Needs Information.


Other Useful Links:


PCAN - Parents of Children with Additional Needs


DfE Guide for Parents of Children with SEND


KIAS Advice and Support in Kirklees

